• Jumping back-spinning kick (twio-dui-hooreo-cha-gee)
  • Jumping twisting back-spinning kick (twio-momdollyo-hooreo-cha-gee)
  • Cutting-back double kick (cutting kick pushing off opponent, airborn back kick)


  • Position oneself at the far corner of the Dojang, then work diagonally across the room demonstrating the knowledge and understanding of all the different blocks, strikes and kicks, including a variety of stances and movement


  • Full-contact sparring (competition style): 6 rounds with different partners
  • Two against one sparring
  • One-step sparring: ten, attack as for the previous level
  • Self-defense: 3-directional (sequential attacks), free-style attacks with punch, kick or a blunt weapon


  • Taegeuk 8 (tae-geuk-pal-chang)


  • Special techniques of own choice, using up to 4 separate boards positioned by candidate


  • 100 push-ups or 100 sit-ups


  • An assessment of the candidate’s underpinning knowledge relating to the principles of the basic blocks, strikes, stances and kicks. This should include a demonstration, while detailing as many aspects about the technique as possible, including why and when it could be applied, position of the body at the beginning, middle and end of each technique, the part of the body we strike with, etc. Examiners’ choice of technique.

** Students must also be prepared to demonstrate the curriculum of all previous belt levels.